Sunday, July 17, 2011

Boyfriend doesnt believe in religion?

Ok so I am head over heels for my boyfriend and soon to be fiance we love each other so much. My mom loves him which is more then great because this is the only boyfriend that has ever gotten her approval . And for the first time I have someone that can connect with my brother too. He is a all around great guy.He treats me better then all of my ex's combined. I told him many times he damn near perfect but I know nobody is perfect so I knew he had a flaw but I couldn't figure out for the life of me what and now I know. He prays before every meal and sometimes i'd catch him praying just because , So I always assumed he was into God. I am a christian and that's how I was raised. I just learned that he doesn't believe in anything he don't see for his self . He doesn't call his self a atheist but he says he just dint believe in religion. I asked why does he pray he said because that's how he was raised to pray. It confused me a bit I gave him a quite lengthy speech on God and he just kept pressuring that he wont believe . I don'tt believe it would cause problems between us because he never brought it up until I asked about it. I also raised the question about our future children and how the wedding will be he doesn't mind because its not a big deal to him. He says he just living his life. But I feel like I'm dishonoring God for being with him . So leads me to the question is it okay that I'm with him or should I just not worry about it?

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