Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Did I just make my fasting pointless?

Fasting is to have a separate time with the lord to engage in the Spiritual war, fasting can be done in many different ways , water won't brake it , there are partial fasting , using water and fruits if is for a long period of days , water only if is for shorter days or you propose your self no water because you consider there where only few days, don't be deceive the enemy will try to make you think you waisted your time or made it mistake trying to under mind your efforts , he sees that you are beginning to grasp the victory so he will try to stop you from continuing , so keep on pushing until you have that victory, in this walk you learn as you go so now you know that even when fasting the enemy will try to work your mind, for now you are fasting by your own decitions as recomended by your pastor and as the bible also tells us to do, a day may come when the Lord itself may call you to an extended fasting in which the terms of how to do it with or without any comsuption of food or water will be determent by him , so if that day comes just ask him to guide you in how to do it , so keep going nothing you do for the kingdom of God is in vane , the more you seek the Lord the more he will reveal things to you that you can't even imagine and defenetly the enemy don't like you to do that..... Peace !!! May the Lord Bless you and grant your petitions.

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